Tuesday 24 August 2010


I came across a new word at a Board meeting today: 'fissiparousness'. Its definition is 'a tendency to divide into separate parts and groups'. The meaning resonates with my frustrations about the way that organisations have become more and more specialised and have spawned far too many self protecting units usually abetted by professional bodies. It goes against the reality of everyday life, which brings together people and recognises that the strands of their lives overlap on both obvious and mysterious ways. The same applies to business, which works best not in isolation but as a network or part of a wider community of interest.

An antifissiparousness strategy could resolve a lot of society's ills.  It would focus on the citizen, encourage more openness and mutual support and deliver both improvements and efficiencies. The more successful new businesses are already there. Check out  What Would Google Do?

The coalition government are already a case study of fissiparousness, aided and abetted by government departments. I can't see Cameron and Clegg tackling the coalition's fissiparousness any time short of the next election.

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