Monday 27 May 2024

An Alphabetic Legacy of the Tory Years

I have listened to several speeches by the Prime Minister since he announced the general election would take place on 4 July. The outgoing parliament has been one of the most corrupt and disorganised in my lifetime with more cases of sexual misdemeanors and suspensions than ever before. We have had three Prime Ministers, two of whom have been dismissed by the Tory Parliamentary Party for their indiscretions and sinking the economy. With opinion polls indicating that this has reduced the Tory vote to a mere 23% of the electorate, some contrition might have played well. After all, Rishi Sunak had promised integrity, professionalism and accountability when taking over from Liz Truss.

Forget it, he has immediately weaponised the party's social media, the right-wing press and think tanks to pour lies and half-truths about the opposition parties. His speeches, laced with lazy sound bites and the abuse of statistics, have made me apoplectic with rage. At least we knew that Boris Johnson just made up the facts as he went along, Sunak tries to give the impression that they are accurate. It confirms all the evidence that has piled up during his tenure as PM. He has delivered on nothing and his only plan is to get the hell out of Downing Street as soon as possible in the second half of the year when the election is called.

Listening to the PM as he flies around the country completely junking any accountability for his non-delivery of services or broken promises prompted me to scribble a catalogue of disasters during the l4 years of government since George Osborne launched austerity. The mistakes and incompetence of the Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak governments have devastated public services, prevented growth, kicked the righting of tragedies into the long grass and reduced the UK's influence in the world. As an aide memoir, I have listed the most egregious policies and tragedies, the MPs suspended and those most responsible and the people and organisations who have put their shoulders to the tipping point of chaos. I am sure I have missed many events, some MPs who have helped create the mess and there will be lots of individuals, donors and organisations who are equally responsible but less transparent to those listed.   

Events, Tragedies and Cock Ups  



Climate Change

          Community Care 

Contaminated Blood Scandal

Cost of Living



Emergency Waiting Times -NHS


          Fuel Escalator 

Grenfell Towers

           House Building 

HS2 & Heathrow Expansion


Insulation of Homes

Indyref 2

Justice System

King's Coronation

Levelling Up

Leveson Inquiry

Local Democracy

Metropolitan Police

NHS Reform (2013)

Oil Licences

Olympic Legacy


Policy Soundbites

Post Office Horizon IT


Public Services

Queen's Funeral

River/Beach Pollution

          Rail Franchises 

School Catchments & Support Services

        Skill Training 


Trade Agreements

Train Price Ticketing

United Kingdom

          University Funding and Foreign Students 

VIP fast-track for PPE

Vote Leave Campaign

Windrush Scandal

World Beating Jingoism

XIV -years in power

Youth activities

Generation Z

The cast of MPs involved in the Tragedy

Dame Andrea Jenkyns

Dame Andrea Leadsom

Andrew Budgen*

Andrew Griffiths*

Baron Andrew Lansley

Alex Salmond*

Boris Johnson*

Chris Grayling

Chris Huhne*

Chris Pincher*

Crispin Blunt*

Lord David Cameron

Sir David Davies

 David Warburton*

Dominic Raab*

Douglas Ross

Esther McVey

Sir Gavin Williamson*

George Osborne

Grant Shapps

Sir Ian Duncan Smith

Imran Ahmad Khan*

Sir Jacob Reece-Mogg

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson*

Jeremy Corbyn*

Jeremy Hunt

          Sir John Whittingdale 

Jo Swinson

Julian Knight*

Kemi Badenoch

Kwasi Kwarteng

Lee Anderson*

Liz Truss

Liam Fox*

Matt Hancock*

Michael Gove

Baroness Michelle Mone*

Nadim Zahawi*

Nadine Dorries*

Neil Parish*

Nick Clegg

Nicola Sturgeon

Owen Paterson*

Peter Bone*

 Dame Priti Patel*

Rishi Sunak

          Robert Jenrick  

Rob Roberts*

Scott Benton*

Sir Simon Clarke

Steve Baker

Suella Braverman*

Therese Coffey

Uriah Heap

Sir Vince Cable

William Wragg*

       Yuri Geller 

        Zac Goldsmith 

*   MPs suspended or resigned or subject to criminal investigation

Supported by

Andrew Neil

Lord Anthony Bamford

Sir Charles Moore

Centre for Policy Studies

Baroness Dido Harding

Dominic Cummings

Lord Evgeny Lebedev

Elon Musk

Lord David Frost 

Duke of York

Frank Hester

Sir Frederick Barclay

GB News

Institute of Economic Affairs

Jeremy Clarkson

Kelvin MacKenzie

Laura Kuensberg

Mathew Elliot

Paul Dacre

Paula Vennells

Policy Exchange

Rupert Murdoch

Simon Case

           Tony Abbott 

Viscount Rothermere

X formerly known as Twitter


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