Flood Plain does its job |
Horses in retreat, visit from PM imminent? |
A bund here would stop 95% of the flooding events |
Flooding is a way of life in the village with at least three or four floods a year when the road is blocked, the sandbags are stacked up and the school gets closed. But not today, it is only a minor flood, although it might be classified differently had it been in Oxfordshire, the PM would make a visit for sure.
Every couple of years the river trespasses over the thresholds of the houses and the hotel on the main street but not a penny of compensation or investment is forthcoming. The cost of a stretch of bunding, where the field that hosts the flood as flood plains should(see above), but spills onto the road. It would be a lot cheaper than dredging a few metres of a Somerset dyke or waiting for the Scottish Government to pay consultants to come up with an unaffordable scheme. Today, the horses in the field had to hunker down on the last triangle of the field above the waterline next to the minister's house but there was no visit from the PM.
Perhaps the PM thinks it is up to the First Minister, but he would probably say: "No it's no(t)"! He is too intoxicated with controlling expenditure from Holyrood rather than allowing democratic decisions to be taken at a level which understands the importance and relevance of making decisions that are usually far quicker and far less likely to be encumbered with the excessive bureaucracy and indulgence of consultants reports.
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